Lumintop GT NANO 10440/10180 flashlight
GT NANO specification:
Flux: 450 lm
Throw: 300meters & 23400cd
This is about as tiny as an EDC light gets, and with 23000+ Candela (suck it cloud) you will be able to see what you need. We recommend the large battery version to get maximum use out of it. we don't make this, but we think its a good light, and a great way to support us if you want a novelty tiny light that has dummy bright output.
Momentary mode is useful for signaling purposes or rapidly/briefly lighting up targets.
Battery: One Button-top 10180 Li-ion(included)
Driver: Texas Avenger FET driver
Reflector: 20.8mm ID ,aluminum, smooth finish
Lens: Glass with anti-reflective coating
Body: Brass
Weight: 49g(for brass)
Dimensions: 24mm*52.5mm(length)